
Showing posts from January, 2019

How to Deploy Microservices on Google Cloud

Today, I'll show you how you can deploy a multi module project on GAE using Maven. Because the EAR file is not allowed, we basically wrap our microservices inside a parent module (pom). Parent Module The parent module has its packaging tag set to  pom . All shared configuration will be placed inside the parent pom.xml via dependencyManagement or pluginManagement . As you probably know Maven provides the notion of aggregation by declaring submodules explicitly in the parent pom.xml. In the above configuration, I've declared 3 submodules (war). You can create the parent project with the following cmd: mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=com.vedrax -DartifactId=parent-project PS: I'll soon register an archetype to generate the configuration as presented above with the required submodules. Submodules You can in the parent's directory run the following cmd: mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=com.vedrax -DartifactId=company-service mvn archety