
Showing posts from August, 2019

Angular: Create a workspace (Serie 1)

Prerequisites 1.1 Node.js According to the documentation , you need Node.js  (>10.9.0) installed on your computer. You can check the Node version with the following command: node -v . 1.2 npm We use the npm client command line shipped with Node.js to download and install npm packages. 1.3 Angular CLI Use the following command to install the Angular CLI globally: npm install -g @angular/cli You can find the available command reference here . Create a workspace and initial app In order to create a skeleton for an application named my-app , you only need to run the new command  as: ng new my-app The new command prompts you to select the routing mode, the style mode (css, scss...). Create a workspace under an existing folder For creating a workspace under an existing folder, do the following: open a terminal on your current folder (e.g. my-app) Run the following command : ng new my-app --directory=./ Run your app In order to build and ser